Monday, August 30, 2010

Makana's Blog

Hi, my name is Makana and I'm in 6th grade at Kaunakakai school and I am a member of the Molokai ForgetMeNots robotics team. Today in robotics class we practiced our interview questions a little and we worked on wrapping up some very cool informational posters that we plan to hang up around town to raise awareness of our robotics team, the problem we are researching and our solution to that problem. My favorite part of class today was making posters and flyers which again was very fun. I personally still want to learn more about the memory part of your brain. The longer I go to robotics class the more interesting it gets so I want to learn more about that.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Paula's Blog

Hi my name is Paula, and I am one of the members from the Molokai ForgetMeNots robotics team.

Today my team and I were practicing presenting our topic which is kind of hard since some of us are fidgeting instead of standing up straight, but I think we did a good job. We talked about how we shared our project with the community and what memory is. We were practicing our questions with our coach and Katy's mom. We listened to our coach while she was reading and the book was about a lady who lost her memory and a boy asked people what memory is and they answered something that can make you happy, sad, laugh and he gave things that can make the lady, happy, sad, and laugh and the lady got her memory back. We also took a picture with our newest member, Makana. Thanks for checking our blog!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Our First Blog! :)

Hi, my name is Mrs. Whitted and I am the coach for the Molokai ForgetMeNots First LEGO League Robotics team.

Today in class we worked on researching information for our teams problem, which is memory loss. We covered a lot of different areas including how memory is stored, what memory loss is, who is affected and if it can be prevented!

One thing that I learned today is that, generally, people begin to experience memory loss around age 20. At this point tiny portions of our brain begin to decompose and die. I thought this was quite interesting because memory loss is usually considered something that doesn't impact people until they are much older.

Something I wonder about with memory loss is if people tend to lose their ability to store information in the brain first or if they lose their ability to recall information first.

Thanks for checking our blog! Check back this weekend for another blog from one of our team members! :)

~Mrs. Jenn Whitted

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Check out our Team!

Here is a picture of our team!! Meet Lily, Lana, Katy, Anu, Sunni, and Paula!! Look for more from these intelligent ladies in the near future! We are all going to take turn writing the blogs and maybe even posting some Vlogs! :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Welcome to our Blog!!

Thank you for checking out our blog! Here is where we will be posting details on our teams journey to the First Lego League Competition in November 2010. Check back often, as we will be updating our blog at least once a week!!
