Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lily's Reflection of Maui

My favorite part of going to Maui was the competition of course and how fun it was when they said we were going to the state competition. The hardest part was getting everything done in time but we finally did it. The worst part was the ferry! We got soaked! And, it was freezing! We also had a tour of the Grand Wailea, it is a five star hotel. And, the food is good, we had breakfeast there! I loved my trip to Maui, I hope we can do that again!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dont FORGET the Forget Me Nots!!

We just got word from the Maui Regional director, Mapu Quitazol, that they are able to advance 8 teams instead of the original 7 to the State Tournament in Oahu next month and they would like to send the Forget Me Nots!!

We are completely thrilled!! We are ready to work hard tweaking our presentation and finish up on some work we didnt have time to get to before the regional tournament! Keep checking back, we are going to be updating the blog a lot to keep everyone informed on what we are up to between now and the state tournament!! :)

Mahalo for everyones support of our team and the Molokai Robotics program! :)


Katy's Reflection of our Maui Trip

My name is Katy. I had fun going to the Robotics Competition because we won first alternates, but they did not get it right. The Hawaii Competition organizers decided to allow eight teams to advance, and so now we get to go to the State Tournament and I'm very happy.
All the judges were nice and kind.
There were a lot of people at the competition and it was a fun day. I was happy that I got to participate.
When we went to Maui I also had a lot of fun because I got to go shopping, go to McDonald's and stuff like that which I do not get to do on Molokai!


Lana's Reflection of our Maui Trip

My name is Lana and I'm a Molokai girl who likes Robotics....
What I liked most about the Maui Regional Robotics Competition that was November 6was when we were chosen as alternates. What I didn't like about it was when we rode on the ferry to Maui because I threw up!
On Maui I also liked when we had a tour of the Grand Wailea. Going to the back rooms to see how the Grand Wailea Hotel is run was neat. What I also liked about the trip to Maui was Aunty Michelle's awesome cooking.



On November 5 the Molokai Forget Me Nots, along with 6 other Molokai Robotics teams braved the rough seas and ventured over to Maui for the Maui Regional Robotics Tournament! :)

We were a bit crunched for time and had some robot issues on that Thursday (our robot BROKE!!) but we made it to the Molokai Wharf by 4:45am on Friday! The ride to Maui was less than perfect- 98% of us were completely drenched from head to toe- including all of our bags and supplies!! Not to mention the majority of the boat experienced sea sickness in one way or another! Words like "horrible", "terrible", "ridiculous" "worst experience ever" and many more were all spoken when asked to describe the trip over, but that was all a distant memory once we got settled in Maui!

We started the day off with a trip over to Maui Economic Development Board (MEDB) who have been phenomenal supporters of the Molokai Robotics program and were able to get more information on their program which was very interesting. Then we had a few engineers from Good Fellows come and explain how they use STEM in their daily jobs. The kids had a blast, and hands down the best part was the surveying and hiding quarters from the other teams. We also had a guest speaker, Jerry, from Maui Makers come and show us a CAD printer which was AMAZING! At the end of the day we had a few really inspired kids on our hands, which was great!

Saturday was the Robotics competition and we were all pumped! We showed up to Maui High School gym all decked out in our costumes and gracious professionalism pouring out of our ears! We were all so happy and grateful to be there everyone kept smiling all day! The teams did awesome! Only 2 of the teams had members on it that had ever participated before, so that meant 5 of the teams were all brand new with new coaches!!! The teams did great in the presentation portion of the competition, but it was all closed door judging (not even the coaches could go in!) so I don't have any scores for that yet. The robotics portion of the competition was in the gym and open to observers! The robots earn points for every mission they complete so during the competition the judges kept the scores posted. In the end the Molokai Forget Me Nots tied for 4th place with the Molokai Gleeks. Not too far behind them were the Kaunakakai Pharmers and the Molokai Walkie Talkies. Rounding out the rest of the pack were the two teams for Kualapu'u and The Manae Band aids who all did excellent as well!

When the awards portion of the event started I reminded my team that it didn't matter if we did not receive an award but that we should be proud of our accomplishments and the work we had done! They were soooo excited! As they called the teams who received awards our team sat, we were not one of the teams who received awards. Two Molokai teams did receive awards though- One was the Molokai Gleeks and the other the Kaunakakai Pharmers!! As they announced the top 7 teams who were advancing to state they again did not call our name. :( We were a little bummed, but they did actually announce our team as an alternate to the State Tournament, so if one team could not participate we would have the opportunity to. So we were pretty excited about that! First year, first competition, and we still placed as alternates!!

So we will take a short break from robotics and practice just in case they do need us to take someones place! :)

Congrats to the Forget Me Nots and the other Molokai robotics teams! ;)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Active Community Members!

Check out some of our robotics team in the Molokai Aloha Parade!! We are very lucky to have a few members of the Student Council on our robotics team!! :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

A whole month!

We have been so busy working away on our project that we haven't even had a chance to update our blog!!! I cant believe a month has passed already since our last post and we only have less than a month until the competition!!!

Check back this week as we will be updating our blog with new pics and VLOGS of what we have been working on!!

A hui hou!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Sunni's Blog

My name is Sunni, and today Paula and I finished half of our informational brochures that we are going to distribute around the island to community members! Lana and our coach finished our graph explaining how many people filled out surveys at our "Body Forward" fair. Katy, Lily and Anu finished all of their model display boards but unfortunately , Makana was not here today. We also got our play script but we had to make a few improvements on it so we will get the final script on Tuesday. We are getting more and more excited the closer we get to the competition! I really enjoy robotics and the opportunity to travel to Maui and enter in the FLL (First Lego League) Robotics competition.
Mahalo and Aloooooooha from

Sunni C.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Follow the other Molokai Robotics Teams Too!!

Thank you to everyone who is following our blog! Please check out the other Robotics teams on Molokai who also have a blog!!!

Mahalo for your support!!

Lana's Blog on Gracious Professionalism

Hi, my name is Lana and I am participating in the Kaunakakai's School Robotics program. I am writing a blog about Gracious Professionalism.

Gracious professionalism is sharing ideas with each other, treat one another with respect and kindness, and not treating anyone like losers.

One example of ways that our team is displaying gracious professionalism is by our coach helping the other teams at our school who we are competing against, create a blog. Another way we are displaying gracious professionalism is by all of our school's teams sharing their projects with each other so we can all make suggestions and help each other do our best.

Sometimes it is hard to want to share our ideas with the other teams because they are our ideas and we don't want anyone to steal them, but we realize that isn't gracious professionalism and if we want to all be winners then we all have to share our ideas.

Our team is working hard on gracious professionalism by giving positive feedback and support to the other teams. We will have to work especially hard to display gracious professional while building our robots because we are all going to be building our robot in the same space and trying to be our best and create the best design.

We will keep trying our best to work towards displaying gracious professionalism all the time.

Thank you for checking out our blog!

Lily's Blog

My name is Lily, and I am in 5th grade at Kaunakakai Elementary School. In class on Tuesday we worked on our display board for the Saturday market. We did a few rough drafts and then put them all together into one really great rough draft. Next time we will work on making the final display board. Im still wondering how we are going to use Microsoft Word to type it out.

We think it is important to make display boards, brochures and fliers so we can raise awareness of our team, memory loss, and to help direct people to find more information on our website.

It is important that people know about memory loss because everyone is affected by memory loss and we all need to learn the best ways to deal with it.

Thank you for checking out our blog.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Our Team Logo!

So what do you guys think about our new logo?

Anu's Blog

Hi my name is Anuhea. I am in the 5th grade at Kaunakakai school and I am member of the Molokai ForgetMeNots. Today in class we made brochures, display boards and surveys to help inform the community about memory loss, the Sensecam, and also the First Lego League Robotics program. My favorite part of class today was doing the display boards that we will use when we go into the community and share our information. One thing I would like to learn more about from class today is about the Sensecam.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Makana's Blog

Hi, my name is Makana and I'm in 6th grade at Kaunakakai school and I am a member of the Molokai ForgetMeNots robotics team. Today in robotics class we practiced our interview questions a little and we worked on wrapping up some very cool informational posters that we plan to hang up around town to raise awareness of our robotics team, the problem we are researching and our solution to that problem. My favorite part of class today was making posters and flyers which again was very fun. I personally still want to learn more about the memory part of your brain. The longer I go to robotics class the more interesting it gets so I want to learn more about that.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Paula's Blog

Hi my name is Paula, and I am one of the members from the Molokai ForgetMeNots robotics team.

Today my team and I were practicing presenting our topic which is kind of hard since some of us are fidgeting instead of standing up straight, but I think we did a good job. We talked about how we shared our project with the community and what memory is. We were practicing our questions with our coach and Katy's mom. We listened to our coach while she was reading and the book was about a lady who lost her memory and a boy asked people what memory is and they answered something that can make you happy, sad, laugh and he gave things that can make the lady, happy, sad, and laugh and the lady got her memory back. We also took a picture with our newest member, Makana. Thanks for checking our blog!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Our First Blog! :)

Hi, my name is Mrs. Whitted and I am the coach for the Molokai ForgetMeNots First LEGO League Robotics team.

Today in class we worked on researching information for our teams problem, which is memory loss. We covered a lot of different areas including how memory is stored, what memory loss is, who is affected and if it can be prevented!

One thing that I learned today is that, generally, people begin to experience memory loss around age 20. At this point tiny portions of our brain begin to decompose and die. I thought this was quite interesting because memory loss is usually considered something that doesn't impact people until they are much older.

Something I wonder about with memory loss is if people tend to lose their ability to store information in the brain first or if they lose their ability to recall information first.

Thanks for checking our blog! Check back this weekend for another blog from one of our team members! :)

~Mrs. Jenn Whitted

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Check out our Team!

Here is a picture of our team!! Meet Lily, Lana, Katy, Anu, Sunni, and Paula!! Look for more from these intelligent ladies in the near future! We are all going to take turn writing the blogs and maybe even posting some Vlogs! :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Welcome to our Blog!!

Thank you for checking out our blog! Here is where we will be posting details on our teams journey to the First Lego League Competition in November 2010. Check back often, as we will be updating our blog at least once a week!!
